/categories/crm-colloquium/index.xml CRM-Colloquium - McGill Statistics Seminars
  • Machine Learning for Causal Inference

    Date: 2020-09-11 Time: 16:00-17:00 Zoom Link Meeting ID: 965 2536 7383 Passcode: 421254 Abstract: Given advances in machine learning over the past decades, it is now possible to accurately solve difficult non-parametric prediction problems in a way that is routine and reproducible. In this talk, I’ll discuss how machine learning tools can be rigorously integrated into observational study analyses, and how they interact with classical statistical ideas around randomization, semiparametric modeling, double robustness, etc.
  • Neyman-Pearson classification: parametrics and sample size requirement

    Date: 2020-02-28 Time: 15:30-16:30 Location: BURNSIDE 1104 Abstract: The Neyman-Pearson (NP) paradigm in binary classification seeks classifiers that achieve a minimal type II error while enforcing the prioritized type I error controlled under some user-specified level alpha. This paradigm serves naturally in applications such as severe disease diagnosis and spam detection, where people have clear priorities among the two error types. Recently, Tong, Feng and Li (2018) proposed a nonparametric umbrella algorithm that adapts all scoring-type classification methods (e.
  • Formulation and solution of stochastic inverse problems for science and engineering models

    Date: 2019-11-22 Time: 16:00-17:00 Location: Pavillon Kennedy, PK-5115, UQAM Abstract: The stochastic inverse problem of determining probability structures on input parameters for a physics model corresponding to a given probability structure on the output of the model forms the core of scientific inference and engineering design. We describe a formulation and solution method for stochastic inverse problems that is based on functional analysis, differential geometry, and probability/measure theory. This approach yields a computationally tractable problem while avoiding alterations of the model like regularization and ad hoc assumptions about the probability structures.
  • General Bayesian Modeling

    Date: 2019-11-01 Time: 16:00-17:00 Location: BURN 1104 Abstract: The work is motivated by the inflexibility of Bayesian modeling; in that only parameters of probability models are required to be connected with data. The idea is to generalize this by allowing arbitrary unknowns to be connected with data via loss functions. An updating process is then detailed which can be viewed as arising in at least a couple of ways - one being purely axiomatically driven.
  • Network models, sampling, and symmetry properties

    Date: 2019-02-01 Time: 15:30-16:30 Location: BURN 1205 Abstract: A recent body of work, by myself and many others, aims to develop a statistical theory of network data for problems a single network is observed. Of the models studied in this area, graphon models are probably most widely known in statistics. I will explain the relationship between three aspects of this work: (1) Specific models, such as graphon models, graphex models, and edge-exchangeable graphs.
  • The Law of Large Populations: The return of the long-ignored N and how it can affect our 2020 vision

    Date: 2018-02-16 Time: 15:30-16:30 Location: McGill University, OTTO MAASS 217 Abstract: For over a century now, we statisticians have successfully convinced ourselves and almost everyone else, that in statistical inference the size of the population N can be ignored, especially when it is large. Instead, we focused on the size of the sample, n, the key driving force for both the Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem. We were thus taught that the statistical error (standard error) goes down with n typically at the rate of 1/√n.
  • 150 years (and more) of data analysis in Canada

    Date: 2017-11-24 Time: 15:30-16:30 Location: LEA 232 Abstract: As Canada celebrates its 150th anniversary, it may be good to reflect on the past and future of data analysis and statistics in this country. In this talk, I will review the Victorian Statistics Movement and its effect in Canada, data analysis by a Montréal physician in the 1850s, a controversy over data analysis in the 1850s and 60s centred in Montréal, John A.
  • McNeil: Spectral backtests of forecast distributions with application to risk management | Jasiulis-Goldyn: Asymptotic properties and renewal theory for Kendall random walks

    Date: 2017-09-29 Time: 14:30-16:30 Location: BURN 1205 Abstract: McNeil: In this talk we study a class of backtests for forecast distributions in which the test statistic is a spectral transformation that weights exceedance events by a function of the modelled probability level. The choice of the kernel function makes explicit the user’s priorities for model performance. The class of spectral backtests includes tests of unconditional coverage and tests of conditional coverage.
  • Instrumental Variable Regression with Survival Outcomes

    Date: 2017-04-06 Time: 15:30-16:30 Location: Universite Laval, Pavillon Vachon, Salle 3840 Abstract: Instrumental variable (IV) methods are popular in non-experimental studies to estimate the causal effects of medical interventions or exposures. These approaches allow for the consistent estimation of such effects even if important confounding factors are unobserved. Despite the increasing use of these methods, there have been few extensions of IV methods to censored data regression problems. We discuss challenges in applying IV structural equational modelling techniques to the proportional hazards model and suggest alternative modelling frameworks.
  • Inference in dynamical systems

    Date: 2017-03-17 Time: 15:30-16:30 Location: BURN 1205 Abstract: We consider the asymptotic consistency of maximum likelihood parameter estimation for dynamical systems observed with noise. Under suitable conditions on the dynamical systems and the observations, we show that maximum likelihood parameter estimation is consistent. Furthermore, we show how some well-studied properties of dynamical systems imply the general statistical properties related to maximum likelihood estimation. Finally, we exhibit classical families of dynamical systems for which maximum likelihood estimation is consistent.