Lawlor: Time-varying mixtures of Markov chains: An application to traffic modeling Piché: Bayesian nonparametric modeling of heterogeneous groups of censored data
Sean Lawlor and Alexandre Piché · Nov 4, 2016
Date: 2016-11-04
Time: 15:30-16:30
Location: BURN 1205
Piché: Analysis of survival data arising from different groups, whereby the data in each group is scarce, but abundant overall, is a common issue in applied statistics. Bayesian nonparametrics are tools of choice to handle such datasets given their ability to share information across groups. In this presentation, we will compare three popular Bayesian nonparametric methods on the modeling of survival functions coming from related heterogeneous groups. Specifically, we will first compare the modeling accuracy of the Dirichlet process, the hierarchical Dirichlet process, and the nested Dirichlet process on simulated datasets of different sizes, where groups differ in shape or in expectation, and finally we will compare the models on real world injury datasets.