/post/index.xml Past Seminar Series - McGill Statistics Seminars
  • Analysis of palliative care studies with joint models for quality-of-life measures and survival

    Date: 2014-09-26

    Time: 15:30-16:30

    Location: BURN 1205


    In palliative care studies, the primary outcomes are often health related quality of life measures (HRLQ). Randomized trials and prospective cohorts typically recruit patients with advanced stage of disease and follow them until death or end of the study. An important feature of such studies is that, by design, some patients, but not all, are likely to die during the course of the study. This affects the interpretation of the conventional analysis of palliative care trials and suggests the need for specialized methods of analysis. We have developed a “terminal decline model” for palliative care trials that, by jointly modeling the time until death and the HRQL measures, leads to flexible interpretation and efficient analysis of the trial data (Li, Tosteson, Bakitas, STMED 2012).

  • Covariates missing by design

    Date: 2014-09-19

    Time: 15:30-16:30

    Location: BURN 1205


    Incomplete data can arise in many different situations for many different reasons. Sometimes the data may be incomplete for reasons beyond the control of the experimenter. However, it is also possible that this missingness is part of the study design. By using a two-phase sampling approach where only a small sub-sample gives complete information, it is possible to greatly reduce the cost of a study and still obtain precise estimates. This talk will introduce the concepts of incomplete data and two-phase sampling designs and will discuss adaptive two-phase designs which exploit information from an internal pilot study to approximate the optimal sampling scheme for an analysis based on mean score estimating equations.

  • Hydrological applications with the functional data analysis framework

    Date: 2014-09-12

    Time: 15:30-16:30

    Location: BURN 1205


    River flows records are an essential data source for a variety of hydrological applications including the prevention of flood risks and as well as the planning and management of water resources. A hydrograph is a graphical representation of the temporal variation of flow over a period of time (continuously measured, usually over a year). A flood hydrograph is commonly characterized by a number of features, mainly its peak, volume and duration. Classical and recent multivariate approaches considered in hydrological applications treated these features jointly in order to take into account their dependence structure or their relationship. However, all these approaches are based on the analysis of a limited number of characteristics and do not make use of the full information provided by the hydrograph. Even though these approaches provided good results, they present some drawbacks and limitations. The objective of the present talk is to introduce a new framework for hydrological applications where data, such as hydrographs, are employed as continuous curves: functional data. In this context, the whole hydrograph is considered as one infinite-dimensional observation. This context contributes to addressing the problem of lack of data commonly encountered in hydrology. A number of functional data analysis tools and methods are presented and adapted.

  • Adaptive piecewise polynomial estimation via trend filtering

    Date: 2014-04-11

    Time: 15:30-16:30

    Location: Salle KPMG, 1er étage HEC Montréal


    We will discuss trend filtering, a recently proposed tool of Kim et al. (2009) for nonparametric regression. The trend filtering estimate is defined as the minimizer of a penalized least squares criterion, in which the penalty term sums the absolute kth order discrete derivatives over the input points. Perhaps not surprisingly, trend filtering estimates appear to have the structure of kth degree spline functions, with adaptively chosen knot points (we say “appear” here as trend filtering estimates are not really functions over continuous domains, and are only defined over the discrete set of inputs). This brings to mind comparisons to other nonparametric regression tools that also produce adaptive splines; in particular, we will compare trend filtering to smoothing splines, which penalize the sum of squared derivatives across input points, and to locally adaptive regression splines (Mammen & van de Geer 1997), which penalize the total variation of the kth derivative.

  • Some aspects of data analysis under confidentiality protection

    Date: 2014-04-04

    Time: 15:30-16:30

    Location: BURN 1205


    Statisticians working in most federal agencies are often faced with two conflicting objectives: (1) collect and publish useful datasets for designing public policies and building scientific theories, and (2) protect confidentiality of data respondents which is essential to uphold public trust, leading to better response rates and data accuracy. In this talk I will provide a survey of two statistical methods currently used at the U.S. Census Bureau: synthetic data and noise perturbed data.

  • How much does the dependence structure matter?

    Date: 2014-03-28

    Time: 15:30-16:30

    Location: BURN 1205


    In this talk, we will look at some classical problems from an anti-traditional perspective. We will consider two problems regarding a sequence of random variables with a given common marginal distribution. First, we will introduce the notion of extreme negative dependence (END), a new benchmark for negative dependence, which is comparable to comonotonicity and independence. Second, we will study the compatibility of the marginal distribution and the limiting distribution when the dependence structure in the sequence is allowed to vary among all possibilities. The results are somewhat simple, yet surprising. We will provide some interpretation and applications of the theoretical results in financial risk management, with the hope to deliver the following message: with the common marginal distribution known and dependence structure unknown, we know essentially nothing about the asymptotic shape of the sum of random variables.

  • Insurance company operations and dependence modeling

    Date: 2014-03-21

    Time: 15:30-16:30

    Location: BURN 107


    Actuaries and other analysts have long had the responsibility in insurance company operations for various financial functions including (i) ratemaking, the process of setting premiums, (ii) loss reserving, the process of predicting obligations that arise from policies, and (iii) claims management, including fraud detection. With the advent of modern computing capabilities and detailed and novel data sources, new opportunities to make an impact on insurance company operations are extensive.

  • Mixed effects trees and forests for clustered data

    Date: 2014-03-14

    Time: 15:30-16:30

    Location: BURN 1205


    In this talk, I will present extensions of tree-based and random forest methods for the case of clustered data. The proposed methods can handle unbalanced clusters, allows observations within clusters to be splitted, and can incorporate random effects and observation-level covariates. The basic tree-building algorithm for a continuous outcome is implemented using standard algorithms within the framework of the EM algorithm. The extension to other types of outcomes (e.g., binary, count) uses the penalized quasi-likelihood (PQL) method for the estimation and the EM algorithm for the computation. Simulation results show that the proposed methods provides substantial improvements over standard trees and forests when the random effects are non negligible. The use of the method will be illustrated with real data sets.

  • ABC as the new empirical Bayes approach?

    Date: 2014-02-28

    Time: 13:30-14:30

    Location: UdM, Pav. Roger-Gaudry, Salle S-116


    Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) has now become an essential tool for the analysis of complex stochastic models when the likelihood function is unavailable. The approximation is seen as a nuisance from a computational statistic point of view but we argue here it is also a blessing from an inferential perspective. We illustrate this paradoxical stand in the case of dynamic models and population genetics models. There are also major inference difficulties, as detailed in the case of Bayesian model choice.

  • On the multivariate analysis of neural spike trains: Skellam process with resetting and its applications

    Date: 2014-02-21

    Time: 15:30-16:30

    Location: BURN 1205


    Nerve cells (a.k.a. neurons) communicate via electrochemical waves (action potentials), which are usually called spikes as they are very localized in time. A sequence of consecutive spikes from one neuron is called a spike train. The exact mechanism of information coding in spike trains is still an open problem; however, one popular approach is to model spikes as realizations of an inhomogeneous Poisson process. In this talk, the limitations of the Poisson model are highlighted , and the Skellam Process with Resetting (SPR) is introduced as an alternative model for the analysis of neural spike trains. SPR is biologically justified, and the parameter estimation algorithm developed for it is computationally efficient. To allow for the modelling of neural ensembles, this process is generalized to the multivariate case, where Multivariate Skellam Process with Resetting (MSPR), as well as the multivariate Skellam distribution are introduced. Simulation and real data studies confirm the promising results of the Skellam model in the statistical analysis of neural spike trains.