/tags/2017-winter/index.xml 2017 Winter - McGill Statistics Seminars
  • Order selection in multidimensional finite mixture models

    Date: 2017-01-20

    Time: 15:30-16:30

    Location: BURN 1205


    Finite mixture models provide a natural framework for analyzing data from heterogeneous populations. In practice, however, the number of hidden subpopulations in the data may be unknown. The problem of estimating the order of a mixture model, namely the number of subpopulations, is thus crucial for many applications. In this talk, we present a new penalized likelihood solution to this problem, which is applicable to models with a multidimensional parameter space. The order of the model is estimated by starting with a large number of mixture components, which are clustered and then merged via two penalty functions. Doing so estimates the unknown parameters of the mixture, at the same time as the order. We will present extensive simulation studies, showing our approach outperforms many of the most common methods for this problem, such as the Bayesian Information Criterion. Real data examples involving normal and multinomial mixtures further illustrate its performance.

  • (Sparse) exchangeable graphs

    Date: 2017-01-13

    Time: 15:30-16:30

    Location: BURN 1205


    Many popular statistical models for network valued datasets fall under the remit of the graphon framework, which (implicitly) assumes the networks are densely connected. However, this assumption rarely holds for the real-world networks of practical interest. We introduce a new class of models for random graphs that generalises the dense graphon models to the sparse graph regime, and we argue that this meets many of the desiderata one would demand of a model to serve as the foundation for a statistical analysis of real-world networks. The key insight is to define the models by way of a novel notion of exchangeability; this is analogous to the specification of conditionally i.i.d. models by way of de Finetti’s representation theorem. We further develop this model class by explaining the foundations of sampling and estimation of network models in this setting. The later result can be can be understood as the (sparse) graph analogue of estimation via the empirical distribution in the i.i.d. sequence setting.